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ULEZ Scrappage Scheme

Scap Old For a Flexi Van & Save

Under the scrappage scheme, eligible sole traders, micro businesses with up to 10 employees and charities can apply for funds of up to £9,500 to scrap or retrofit a light van or minibus or to put towards the cost of a cleaner vehicle. If you've received a grant payment under the previous TfL van and minibus scrappage scheme, you can't apply to the equivalent scheme again.

Organisation and vehicle eligibility The scheme is open to micro businesses (with up to 10 employees), sole traders and registered charities with a registered address within the 32 London boroughs or the City of London (Greater London Area). The following organisations can apply: Micro businesses with:

  • 10 or fewer employees

  • Up to £632,000 turnover or up to £316,000 balance sheet total in the preceding and current financial year and

  • Companies House registration as an active company or VAT registered within the 32 London boroughs or City of London

Sole traders who must be:

  • A self-employed person who owns and operates a business within the 32 London boroughs or the City of London

Grant payment options The van and minibus scrappage scheme offers six options:

  • Scrap a van - £5,000

  • Scrap a minibus - £7,000

  • Retrofit a van - £5,000

  • Retrofit a minibus - £5,000

  • Scrap a van and replace with an electric van - £7,500

  • Scrap a minibus and replace with an electric minibus - £9,500

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